Join the Society

Membership of the SWHS costs just £10 per person per year which covers all lectures and other events.

We ask that all new members set up a standing order. Please download or print the form below to complete and hand over to your bank. Alternatively, use the information to set up a standing order via internet banking. After your standing order has been set up, please advise the Society’s treasurer. Follow these two steps, below…

Step 1: Print and submit your standing order

Use the download button to download a copy of the standing order form, or print directly using the print icon at the top-right of the form.

Step 2: Inform the treasurer

Please complete this form to confirm you have submitted your standing order to your bank, and ensure you have read and understood the Society’s GDPR compliance statement.

    To Malcolm White, Treasurer, Saffron Walden Historical Society,

    This is to confirm that I/we have today set up a standing order as below for the credit of Saffron Walden Historical Society

    I/We understand that in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 the Society will hold my/our personal information in a secure manner and it will be solely used for the purpose of the Society’s activities, its Journal and Website. No information will be revealed to third parties without my/our consent.