In May 2018 a significant change and consolidation of the Data Protection was introduced. We need to explain to you our role in managing the personal data that you have given us in light of this legislation. Personal data is any information in physical or digital form that identifies any aspect of you and includes, for example, name, address, title, email and financial.
We hold physical data in the form of completed application forms which are kept securely with the Treasurer. Similarly digital data is held in the membership database which is stored on a password protected computer, only accessed by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer and Secretary share files containing membership data for accounting purposes. Officers of the Society also have access to email lists to enable them to send out our annual programme, details of events or the release of new publications. The Secretary and Chairman have a list of how and who handles personal data.
Your relationship with us: data protection
- There is a contractual relationship between you and Saffron Walden Historical Society whereby you pay your annual subscription to support the Society and we provide membership benefits i.e. evening talks, website and an annual outing.
- We will not share your details with any third party for marketing purposes, but we may advertise fundraising activities in the Society’s Journal and on the Society’s Website.
- We will only use your data to manage your membership and related benefits, including the information you provide for the purpose of organising events and visits. We will not use it for any other purpose.
- We only hold personal data that you have provided in your application to become a member, or have subsequently updated.
Your relationship with us: communication preference
- We use personal data that you have provided, to communicate with you about your membership and occasionally about the work that Saffron Walden Historical Society does.
- We send out membership communications by email and post.
- AGM notification can be both electronic and printed form as well as via the journal and website.
If you have given us an email address, we will use this as our preferred method of communication.
Please read this communication – it contains important information about Data Protection.
If you have not provided an email address we will normally communicate with you by post. Very occasionally, if you have given us your telephone number we may call you either about your membership or, more likely in an emergency such as a cancelled or postponed meeting.
The legislation introduced a number of individual rights, these include:
- To enquire what data we hold and its accuracy
- To be informed of any data security breach
- The right to erase your data if your membership ceases.
You can ask about the data we hold on you, or change your preferred communication methods, at any time by contacting the Secretary, Kathryn Fiddock or the Treasurer, Malcolm White.
One important reminder. If you change your postal address or your e-mail address, then please let us know by contacting the Secretary Kathryn Fiddock at ( or at the address given below
The legislation requires each organisation to identify the Data Controller (Chairman) and the Data Processor (Treasurer) who are primarily responsible for ensuring good management and security of personal data. The Data Controller is responsible for determining the need and means for processing personal data (in any format), and the Chairman will undertake this responsibility. The Data Processor is responsible for processing the data on behalf of the Data Controller and the Treasurer fulfils this role.
Thank you,
Chairman: Mike Hibbs, 4, Mount Pleasant Cottages, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4AE
Secretary: Kathryn Fiddock, 6, Gallows Hill, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4DA
Treasurer: Malcolm White, 10, Victoria Gardens, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3AF