This section of the website offers finding aids for those undertaking historical research on Saffron Walden. The Resources consist of a number of listings, catalogues and databases relating to various sources on information held in the Gibson Library, Museum, Essex Record Office or other repository. If using these references for publication, please acknowledge the source as this website. We thank the volunteers who have spent many hundreds of hours transcribing and typing these lists for the use of others. Further listings will be added as time goes on.
Saffron Walden Agricultural Society Prize Winners 1833-1845
SWHS website – SW Bastardy Bonds
SWHS website – SW Burgesses 1835-41
SWHS website – Saffron Walden Charities
SWHS website – SW Sacrament Certificates
SWHS website – SW War Memorial list
Saffron Walden’s Radwinter Road Cemetery Records
St Mary’s Saffron Walden Baptism Records
Saffron Walden War Memorial Search
Those researching the Saffron Walden War Memorial names may like to read Robert Pike’s books for further background and poems. They include: The Victor Heroes, published by Ancre Books 2000. ISBN 0-9539507-O-O. For Still We Hear Them Singing’, Poetry Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd 2018. ISBN 9. The Company of these Fellows Grosvenor House 2018 ISBN 978-1-78623-338-7. The Coming Night is Full of Stars. Poetry and Prose 2021 ISBN978 1 83975 682 5.
ESFH Enquiries
For enquiries about the lists prepared by the Essex Society for Family History (NW Essex Branch), please contact their chairman, Janice Sharpe at